I hate TV. Well, mostly I just hate commercials. I try to stick with PBS and Boomerang since they have cartoons but no commercials. PBS has added a few here and there between shows, but nothing flashy or blingy. I loathe Nickelodeon. I swear, it seems like every commercial is about how to make your little girl more like a teenage ho. And in that train of thought- who was the evil person that created Bratz dolls????? Not only is is offensive to refer to them as "brats", but they look like HOOKERS. Plain and simple. And I used to think Barbie was bad! She's a respectable woman now compared to those little sluts!!!
And Cartoon Network? Uh yeah...they advertise WEIGHT LOSS products between shows. Nice.
But back to commercials....They really hurt the simplicity quest. I get the toys all streamlined and basic. Good for creativity and thoughful play. Then they are bombarded with commercials for useless junk and convinced that they "need" it. I guess in reality, though, it's my responsibility to police the TV better, so I guess I'm typing this "out loud" in an attempt to hold myself more accountable and DO SOMETHING about it.