Minimalism inspiration

Browsing the internet for inspiration is a wonderful thing. Sometimes you find new knowledge in a familiar place.

In this case, it is the blog that posted the 100-things challenge. Here are a few of my favorite posts.

This is a tour of the blogger's pockets. I wish I could do so well!

This is a single step to creating a minimalist home. He hits the nail on the head with this one!

This is living on a small footprint, Japanese style (edition, technically). Just look at those houses! Could you live in a home that small?

This final one is a beaut. Minimalism = Simplicity = Freedom and what a Ferrari has to do with it. Nuff said.

Check out these links and think about the things around you. Do they truly make you happy, or are you a slave to your stuff?

I must admit I am still in the slave stage, but that is changing with every day, every post, every step (even the wrong ones).
