
Despite my best attempts, some things still get forgotten.

Someone had given me a large amount of cucumbers. We have eaten and eaten, yet some were still left in the fridge.

The other day I purchased a small amount of squash for meals next week, carefully placing them and the corn in the veggie drawer.

My loving daughter decided to rearrange the refrigerator. Instead of tossing the older cucumbers, she placed them upon the fresh squash. You can imagine what I found when I went to retrieve the squash and corn.

Fortunately, the corn was in another section, so it was spared. The squash was not so fortunate.

I feel like Herman Munster in my desire to jump up and down shouting "darn darn darn darn darn!"

Oh well. Try and try again.

After analyzing what I was going to cook I reduced the quantity some. Instead of three whole ears of corn I took one ear and split it in half, taking the other two ears, splitting them and freezing them for later. There is plenty of cabbage and some bell pepper (approx. a half a pepper) to eat, and this way I can add a small piece of polish sausage to the menu to round it out a tad.

It is my hope to one day reduce the spoilage this small family produces. Each day I work on that goal, though like today there are always disappointments. As long as I don't quit I know I am making progress, however.