When I posted that goal for all the world to see, I set myself up for failure.
Knowing that the whole world could read that I just wanted to have my dishes washed before going to bed, I put it out for the world.
Then I cooked a bbq chicken with tons of fixins.
Yup, big messy meal with big messy dishes.
I know better, but I did it anyway. Then after that, instead of getting off my butt and cleaning the kitchen, what did I do?
I watched a movie, that's what I did!
So this morning I have washed and scrubbed, and have two pans left to wash after they soak a tad.
I'm kinda ticked off at myself.
Oh well - this too will pass. I wanted to be honest and let everybody know how I did on the very first night!
Funny thing is - I was doing pretty good about washing them before bed - before I posted it online that is!
Let this be a lesson as to why you should only pick ONE thing to change at a time - could you imagine how chaotic my life would have been if I had picked more than just one?
Alright, I can't stand looking at them any longer - time to scrub up those last two dishes!