Bragging Rights

Okay, I have got to brag here...

One of the jewels of simplicity is freeing yourself to pursue dreams, right?

Well, one of my dreams has always been to be a successful writer. Today I feel as if I have made a big step.

Associated Content is featuring two of my short stories on their short story feature page today!

Here's the link:

I am sooo excited! I am the top and bottom feature story!

I know they won't be there forever, so I'm gonna put the links to both articles here as well.

This is my first one, What About Bob?Link
Here is the last one featured, The Story of the Rose.Link

Yes, I'm bragging. After spending a whole childhood being told I was wasting my time, this feels pretty darn good. Instead of racing that rat, I'm chasing a dream...

Life is SO Good!!!Link