Missing Google Docs Offline


on screen keyboard

One of the things I did to make life simpler was move all of my word processing to Google Docs. I love working in the cloud with the exception of one thing: Intermittent Internet Access.

I tend to do my best writing while on the go, and nothing is more annoying than having to juggle multiple programs and files. When I discovered Google Docs had an offline feature that used Google Gears I jumped on it.

It was so wonderful to be able to write and access stuff on my laptop wherever my muse led me, uploading and synchronizing when I was once again connected to the Internet.

Google disabled offline access as of May 3, 2010.

Once again I no longer have access to my cloud documents when I am not connected to the Net. Once again I have to use other word processing programs to write and then upload them at a later time.

GDocs, oh GDocs! How I miss my offline access!

While the wonderful creators of Google docs are hard at work on the issue that forced them to disable offline access, I surely do miss it! Life is not as simple as it used to me when I could depend on a single word processing program!