People Think You’re Nuts for Not Wanting Stuff

I have got to share this with you! A blog post that so accurately mirrors my feelings on the whole “stuff” issue I honestly could not write on it any better!

I have been told so many times that it is not normal to live with as little as I do—and I am not near where others are in simplicity and minimalism!

I’ve got stuff, too much of it in my opinion, but I don’t want to get rid of things before I am completely ready. I know that this is one race best ran at a slow and steady pace, with lifelong changes instead of temporary ones.

Simplicity is not about how low you can go—it is about how low you WANT to go. Trick is, not everyone has the same attitude as I do about stuff. Or the same attitude that you do for that matter.

To some, simplicity and minimalism may mean a floor that doesn’t have stuff to trip you when you walk from one room to another. To others it may mean a room with almost nothing within it.  This doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with me or with the person who disagrees—we just have different ideas and different preferences.

I don’t go into other people’s homes and tell them they have too much stuff, yet I have had several who have came to my home and blatantly said I have too LITTLE stuff.

When I clean it I must admit I disagree with the notion I have too little (smile).

When I pay the bills I must disagree that I have too little space.

When I sit here when the kid is gone I REALLY disagree with the fact that I have too little space and not enough to fill it! I would be perfectly content in a home half this size for just me.

I can’t say that I “never” want stuff—I’m human like everyone else. My wants and needs are simply different, you know?

So when you come to my home don’t feel you have to offer me televisions, beds, couches and other furniture—I am perfectly content with that I already have. If I want something different I’m sure you’ll hear about it when I begin my search for whatever it is. :)

Anyhow, that’s my rant for the evening. If you get a chance visit David’s blog and read his post. Bookmark him if you like what he has to say, cause he comes up with some excellent posts and ideas.