Information Simplicity

A thought occurred to me that while I am simplifying my life physically that there is one area of my life I am leaving out.

As an avid book reader I am wondering if there is a way to reduce the amount I feel that I "have" to read.

Is that even simplifying or is that just going to extremes?

The fact is that I love to read. Books are an incredible enjoyment to me but there are times when I feel I may lose out because I haven't read something.

I also feel lost when I am not connected to the Internet all of the time and I would like to rid myself of that sensation.

Perhaps the two are connected somehow? The feeling that I will miss out if I don't devour information endlessly?

I don't know, but it is something that I want to consider. It is one thing to reduce and simplify the stuff in your life but if you are filling up parts of your world with other unimportant things should we not work to simplify them as well?

I would love some opinions on this. Any opinions, actually. This thought really needs some clarifying.