I Emptied a Drawer Today

In my kitchen are four drawers. When I moved in here, all four were stuffed full. Today while washing dishes I noticed that two of my drawers, my silverware drawer and my utensil drawer were not being used to full capacity. A bit of rearranging and both drawers became one single drawer!

Inspired, I looked through my other drawers. One was almost filled with things I no longer used any more. A few quick tosses, and I discovered some storage bags I had actually forgotten about owning! I have been purchasing zip locking food storage bags when I had a large box stashed away!

In the end, one drawer was totally emptied, and another almost. I took the empty drawer and placed some of the kitchen towels in it, so that no longer do I have to use a chair whenever I need a towel for something.

I didn't intend to eliminate so much stuff; my mindset has finally gotten to the point where I realise that I no longer need or use it! It actually feels good to look around my house and know that I am slowly paring down to what is truly important to me!

These little unexpected eliminations are such a blessing! They let me know that I am truly doing something right!