Donna Fletcher Crow, whose website is here, writes historical novels and is embarking on a murder mystery series, starting with A Very Private Grave.
She also runs a blog, Deeds of Darkness, Deeds of Light, and kindly invited me along as a guest blogger to write about my new novel, The Hardest Thing To Do, that will be out in early 2011 published by Crossway. You can see the article I wrote for her blog here.
This is what Amazon has to say about Donna's A Very Private Grave:
"Like a P. D. James novel A Very Private Grave occupies a learned territory. Also a beautifully described corner of England, that of the Northumbrian coast where St. Cuthbert's Christianity retains its powerful presence. Where myth and holiness, wild nature and tourism, art and prayer run in parallel, and capture the imagination still." (Review by Ronald Blythe )
Description of the story
"Felicity Howard, a young American studying for the Anglican priesthood at the College of the Transfiguration in Yorkshire, is devastated when she finds her beloved Fr. Dominic bludgeoned to death and Fr. Antony, her church history lecturer, soaked in his blood. Following the cryptic clues contained in a poem the dead man had pressed upon her minutes before his death, she and Fr. Antony-who is wanted for questioning by the police-flee the monastery to seek more information about Fr. Dominic and end up in the holy island of Lindisfarne, former home of Saint Cuthbert. Their quest leads them into a dark puzzle . . . and considerable danger."
Cor! Exciting!!