Plain dress November is nearly over

Just a few more days of Plain dress November!

Have you had any new thoughts about the Plain way as time has gone by?

The main thing I will go into December and the New Year with, is the resolve to pay attention to how I speak and what I say - gently, slowly, softly, kindly, truthfully, with the savour of the Gospel - that will be my resolve; and to remember to think globally and act locally.

Right now I am up to my eyes in the editing of my novel The Hardest Thing To Do, which will be published by Crossway next July - more info once the cover is designed and it's up on Amazon.  The editing amendments are proving a very exacting task, and I am worn a bit threadbare by all 2010's writing efforts already - just longing for a stretch of time to read and be a housewife in!

Looking forward to going to meeting tomorrow morning; I have told our clerk I do want to be a member of the Quaker meeting, and it feels such a relief to be finding a niche where I seem to fit.  I also love the church, St Johns, where the Badger worships, and I shall continue to go to the evening services there.

Advices & Queries No.10
Come regularly to meeting for worship even when you are angry, depressed, tired or spiritually cold. In the silence ask for and accept the prayerful support of others joined with you in worship. Try to find a spiritual wholeness which encompasses suffering as well as thankfulness and joy. Prayer, springing from a deep place in the heart, may bring healing and unity as nothing else can. Let meeting for worship nourish your whole life.