One of the areas that will soon be covered with the glorious shine of solar panels! |
Today, I have a gratitude post. I've met so many amazing people through this blog that I'd like to show you some of my latest aquisitions. Their beautiful work now graces my home and I'd like to share it with you. ;)
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Stunning, right? Click the photo if you'd like to take a look at the listing! |
Recently my daughter, Taylor, did a feature on Laurie of Energy Art and Healing. I already knew Laurie, we seemed to have an instant connection through the magic of internet, so I looked forward to her interview. Taylor is a pretty entertaining writer, and I knew it would be good! Tay had photos posted throughout the feature and when I saw Dream Angel, I had to have her. With her arms spread to the heavens she appeared to be channeling joy, love and yes, abundance. I ordered her quickly and smiled, knowing how much fun it is to see you've made a sale. I hoped it would make Laurie's night (or morning as it was). I waited very patiently for my Dream Angel to arrive, and it was worth the wait. Laurie had gone above and beyond simple kindness and had sent along a goodie for each of us girls. You would have thought it was Christmas, all of us clustered around the box, reading our notes and exclaiming over our gifts!
Here they are hanging above my 'shipping station'. I couldn't get a picture without reflections, but it'll give you an idea! |
Another shot, this one includes my amazing painting from Sara! :) |
See that bare wall right there? Someday Laurie's crown chakra painting will be hanging there. :) |
I follow another blog called Sesenarts, written by the wonderful Julie. Not long ago I had commented on some bookmarks she had created and featured. To my happy, happy surprise, she sent me one! Last Saturday, this little treasure arrived in my mail ~
You can find Julie on Etsy at Sesenarts, a great shop, full of treasures, that seems to be doing very, very well! :) |
I'm trying to read Annexed, the book that Taylor reviewed. It made me so sad I had to put it aside for a day or two. It is excellent though, just a lot to process. |
And yesterday I received yet another treasure ~ I seem to be in the flow of things. :) I won a giveaway on another blog I follow. Kanelstrand is a recent discovery, one I was very happy to make! Another kindred spirit, living the organic and green lifestyle. I enjoy her posts so much and couldn't wait to receive the bracelet. After a long journey from Norway, here she is~
A gorgeous handcrafted creation. I've never owned a felted bracelet before. :) Click on the photo to be taken to her Etsy shop ~ Kanelstrand |
Me, modeling my new bracelet. Notice the shorts? The sun FINALLY came out today, for real. Heat and everything! :) |
What amazing abundance flowing into my life, it makes me deeply grateful. I thank all of you talented creators for sharing your gifts with me. They are all deeply appreciated and cherished. I'll leave you now, and wish you a wonderful evening, brimming over with abundance. :)
Peace ~ Melinda