Nursery Reveal!

My baby is 10 1/2 weeks old, so I think it's about time to give you a peek into her nursery! This room was originally designed to be a sewing room so it's not too big...just the perfect size for baby & mommy! But it is a little bit tricky to take pictures with the tight angles, so please forgive the crookedness.

Since we didn't find out baby's gender, I needed a neutral room and the colors I envisioned were turquoise and coral. After hours of searching online - and almost giving up - I found the one!!! [Please tell me I'm not the only one who is so obsessed with that image I create in my head!] But it was worth the wait!
The colors were exactly what I had in mind. Don't tell me God doesn't care about the little things!

We decided to just paint the inset wall with the turquoise to match the bedding. I love the color ~ subtle, but beautiful!

And there is my little yard-sale chair in all its glory! So much comfiness for so few buckaroos!!

The tissue pom-poms were made by my mom and add a punch of color to the whit wall. I had another moment of inspiration for the canvases, which I had fun creating! 

So there it is...Hadasssah's palace!! I hope to add a few things here and there but for now I'm happy with our sweet little hang-out. If you want to see it in person, we'd love to have you stop by! 

:: Check back later in the week for a giveaway I'll be hosting!! ::