Word for the Year

The beginning of a new year always makes me introspective.
I love to remember
I like to think about where I've been and where I'm headed.
I like to have goals to work towards, even if they get a little lost in the shuffle of life!
Last year, I chose one word that summed up my purpose. 
It was worship.
As I discussed my "word for the year" with my sister-in-law, suddenly I knew what it would be!


In times of change, difficulty and grief, I struggle to trust that my Father knows best. 
That He cares.
But in the past few months, I've felt Him asking me to simply choose to trust.
I won't always understand.
It won't always be easy.
And sometimes, it will hurt.
But He has my good in mind and loves me with a love that I can't fathom!
So, with His help, I choose to open my heart and trust.

What is your word for 2012? I'd love to hear it!