My tree

Alice took this picture of my tree.  It grows in the park that stretches the length of St Leonards/Hastings where we live – a very beautiful park with everything from grassy spaces for family picnics to formal rose gardens to rare trees to wild spaces and a ghyll.

Every year I look for my tree blooming.  It is a huge magnolia.  This week, as you can see in the photo, it is breath-takingly beautiful.


365 366 Day 86 – Monday March 26th   
  (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, see here)  

I loved this hat but found it impractical – too precarious, even with pins when my hair was long.  I have another big shady sunhat that has a big crown, so I kept that and sent this (along with a couple of other unusual hats) to a friend who is often engaged on theatre projects.