Excessive Spending

really irks me. Yes, I've done it, and yes, I will most likely do it again in my life. But, it seems to me that it is a norm in our society, and it's just disgusting.

"I really don't *need* it, but it's on sale", "It was really cute, so I bought it even though I don't *need* it"...blah...blah...blah.... Running up a credit card debt for things that are completely and totally unnecessary because you are bored or want to impress your friends. I throw "bored" in there because as a stay-at-home-mom, I know how easy it is to get sucked into the computer and tempted to buy things for the thrill of it.

I know people who consider shopping a HOBBY. What the ... ??? How about reading? Writing? Playing an instrument? A sport? Crafts? But no, shopping. Spending money. I just don't get it. I seriously think anyone who considers shopping a hobby needs a psychiatrist. Now.

Go to the mall. Walk. Get some Exercise. Window shop. That's cool. Enjoy looking at new things, but you don't have to actually buy them all!!!

I find it harder and harder to live in normal society as each day passes.