The Simple Life

These past few days have been filled with some simple pleasures with the kid. We have spent some time at the Library, the Spray Park and went swimming at Kuttawa Beach.

We  have watched movies online and generally had fun doing little things. None of this has cost a lot of money and all of it has been enjoyable.

Other than that I have actually managed to thin down my wardrobe a little more by eliminating some tops that are too worn to be used.

It feels good to see things still simplifying, still reducing and know that at this point I am not really trying because it is starting to become a habit.

When I do purchase things it seems I discover that I didn’t really need whatever it was as much as I thought and this is beginning to shape my purchasing. I find that I want to shop less and less as time goes on.

I have even stopped using my clothes dryer, amazingly.

I was going to use it for those times when it rained or I just needed something dried quickly but these days I still hang things up on the indoor clothesline I have rigged in my hallway or outside on sunny days. At this rate I may never need to replace that machine or I may just sell it and get it out of my way, but on big things like this I prefer taking it really slow before making the final step. We didn’t turn the television on for a year or so before I finally said “farewell” to that machine, and we kept the stereo for almost as long also…

Instead of air conditioning we are using fans even and I can tell a huge difference in my electric bill over last year’s usage. My last electric bill was only $22 to my delight, and my water bill is running about the same.

Using less—living simpler is helping my finances as a result, and I am very thankful for this. It is also enabling me to do less around the house as far as cleaning is concerned because there is less to clean.

Over all, things are starting to look up as simplicity takes on a life of its’ own in this house.

I look forward to continuing the journey.

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