Camping in the Kid's Room

It was over 100 degrees with the heat index today so I broke down and camped out in the kid's back bedroom. By shutting the door I can cool this single room with the good air conditioner which I am hoping will help control the electric bill.

A dam broke in Iowa today giving people only minutes to flee their homes. I read that and thought about what I would grab. Definitely the laptop and the animals and a change of clothes and my purse. I would be fine with just that if I had to bug out from here.

As it is I feel like I have bugged out as I hang in the kid's room. She is gone for the month to her father's house so it is just me and the critters. All I have in here is my laptop, my cell phone and my bubba keg filled with ice water while I sit surrounded by all of her toys.

I am hoping that the weather breaks without my having to hang out at the library. I am just not in the mood to go anywhere right now--perhaps because I just came back from that trip to my sisters but I have yet to even run to the grocery to restock any perishables!

Anyway I have managed to work successfully despite the heat and shortly will be going to bed to start all over again. I am leaving the guinea pig outside so he will be cooler and more comfortable but the rest will be with me.

I really didn't want to turn on the air conditioner but it was getting difficult to breathe in the heat so it had to be done. Such is life. Surely with the one small air conditioner just cooling one small room as opposed to two air conditioners cooling the whole house will amount out to a much smaller electric bill!

I can hope.