Celebrate the Small Steps

This morning I succeeded in accomplishing a small step toward living with less. In the years before I fully embraced a simpler lifestyle I would purchase gallon-sized containers of cleaners to save money. I used a ton of this stuff and am frightened to think about how much I have spent on cleaning supplies alone over the years!

Time has changed me and I have embraced simpler and often more natural cleaning solutions. I have realized that we don't need to use all of the things that the companies and commercials recommend. There are simpler, less expensive solutions to those pretty colored bottles lining the shelves at the stores!

While learning and discovering simpler ways to clean things I have had the dilemma of wanting to clean in a simpler manner without being wasteful concerning the cleaning supplies I have had. To resolve the issue I have made an effort to rotate cleaning supplies with a focus on using up what I have already acquired in the past before making up anything new.

This gallon container of Greased Lightning was purchased 3 years ago if I recall correctly. It was one item out of many I stocked up on when I first started shopping at Sam's Club. I have used and used on this big gallon jug but I kept catching myself grabbing the vinegar and baking soda in preference to this stuff.

I have finally finished the jug as of today. The last that was remaining fit within the spray bottle that came with it--and I actually had room to spare!

One more jug out from under my kitchen cabinet. One more container I no longer have to keep up with. This small step is a reason to celebrate.

While I do have a little left in a spray bottle it isn't enough to worry about. It will be used up in a reasonable amount of time but this big jug was beginning to bother me as I moved it around over the years! I am so glad it is now gone from my life!

I have learned a lot on this journey to simplicity. I have learned that I do not need to spend a fortune to do this or this. I do not need to have such an overstock of supplies on hand taking up space and making me miserable! I do not need to purchase this or this or this to solve a problem--chances are a solution is available already in my home.

I am a firm believer that celebrating the small steps help to make the journey easier. This is today's small step. One less oversized cleaning supply sitting in my cabinet.

What can you simplify today?