Advices and queries No 22:

"Respect the wide diversity among us in our lives and relationships. Refrain from making prejudiced judgements about the life journeys of others. Do you foster the spirit of mutual understanding and forgiveness which our discipleship asks of us? Remember that each one of us is unique, precious, a child of God."

Musings from today rethought in the light of this wisdom. Some things are best left to morphic field resonance, even when they are true.

Times when I need to rethink the food I eat - if my energy if flagging or I'm putting on weight or triggering the old fibromyalgia - I try to add the positive rather than slap on the negatives. So I think in terms of what's good for me - veggies, whole grains, pulses, seeds, nuts, fresh fruit, olive oil and whatnot - rather than listing a load of thou-shalt-nots (sugar, nightshades, refined and processed foods, bread, tea and yada-yada-yada). Focussing on what works has more mileage than focussing on what doesn't.

And in re-thinking the thoughts of today, what the still small voice says to me is someting like this:
Just do what you have to do; don't criticise those who do differently, don't focus on what you don't believe in or talk about the things it's wrong to do. Direct attention towards what's beautiful and good, and leave the rest to wither where it falls. People get lost following what they shouldn't do - so don't show them the way; shine your light on the path not on the wilderness. No contention, no argument, no criticism, no fight, no blame. Sssh.