My Day

Sundays are my days. I take the day for my own, protect it, love it and cherish it. There are no "shoulds" on Sundays , as in "I should clean the bathroom" or "I should do the laundry". From the moment I wake up I ask myself, "What do I feel like doing?". The day is shaped around simple pleasures, small things that bring me joy.

One of the first things I did this morning was to meditate, but that is nothing unusual, since I do that everyday. I find if I miss a day of meditation I am out of balance, not as able to take things in stride, I enjoy my life less. So, I definitely felt like meditating, and did so quite happily.
From there I moved downstairs to my workshop and created the doll quilt and matching pillow you see above (Jordan took that great picture for me!). I had thought I was going to create some clipboards today, but I guess that is for another day. While I was sewing away, delightfully all by myself in the basement, I decided my workshop needed some sprucing up. Before I go any further, you must know this about me, I love to rearrange furniture, and even rooms, and do so with regularity and passion! So deciding to rearrange my workspace wasn't all that surprising to my girls, but it sure excited me! It only took me about an hour and a half, but I love it! It feels much crisper and cleaner, it was time well spent!

After lunch I listed the doll quilt in Simply Smitten, and just now got back from a lovely, winter afternoon walk. Jordan decided to come with me, but she isn't much of a chatterbox, and so we moved along mostly in silence, except for the crunching of snow beneath our shoes. And so,that brings me to now, and here I am. There are some things that always need to get done, the animals had to get fed... but I guess that's pretty much it. I've brought up my girls to be very self sufficient, so at 14, 12 and 10 they don't need me much during the course of the day. They've been doing their own laundry for years now, the can cook for themselves, they can definitely entertain themselves and/or each other. I've finally reached a point where I can take a day, and call it my own, and I've encourged them to do the same. Riley has spent much of the days reading, and she listed another Sprout in her shop this morning. Jordan has been knitting and reading, while Taylor has been rewriting a story she wants to get published. Tonight we'll settle in and watch a Walton's together while we snack on some popcorn covered in coconut oil and generously sprinkled with sea salt, all organic of course! It will close up another refreshing, rejuvenating day.
Do I think everyone needs a "Sunday"? Definitely, I've pretty much got my mother convinced, and I've taught my girls to take the time for themselves. As I look around me, I think most people would benefit from a day where they did only what brought them joy. It may not be a Sunday, and it may not be a whole day (although I would definitely recommend that!), just as long as it is time for you. I hope that you have all enjoyed your Sunday, as much as I have mine. Peace & blessings.