Back On Track

Some of my new paper stash, I love this one, it'll make a great board for someone!
Ahhh, I'm back. Refocusing did the trick. I stayed away from all social media that felt like work (and shameless pimping), and focused on the part I love. I showered attention on my shop, renewed items daily, rearranged and reworded. I firmly set my intentions several times throughout the day (whenever I thought of it!) and waited. I can be patient now, something I've had to teach myself through steady and unwavering dedication!
Just looking at this gorgeous paper gives me tingles!
Then one day last week I opened my email and saw those beautiful words "Etsy Transactions". It started small, a lip balm, but I knew it was just the beginning. Energy gains momentum, so I packaged it up just as carefully as I would have if it were a $100 order, shipped it out, expressed gratitude, and waited. Next day, a clipboard (within an hour or two of setting that specific intention). Next day two clipboards, and then two more. Yesterday another. That's more sales than I had in all of January and most of February. Coincidence? Maybe, if you believe in such things. I don't subscribe to that. There are no accidents, we are all creators of our own lives.
I took these pics with my new camera, a birthday present to myself!
That may be hard to believe, especially if we're in a place that we don't find particularly positive, but I've been living this for several years now and can attest to its authenticity. I embrace the moments that were painful, just as I do the joyful pieces of this journey, and realize underneath it all, they are ALL positive. Huh, who would've thunk it. I equate my life to puzzle pieces, and when you're listening very carefully they have an almost audible click when they slide into place. It's such a beautiful thing. Do I do this alone? Absolutely not, I am piece and part of something grand, and amazing ~ together we can create anything.Ready... Set... Go!!!!!
And now, for the fun ~ I've sold 6 clipboards, now I get to create 6 more! The paper has been selected, my supplies have been pulled out... I can't wait to start, it's been way too long! I wonder what I'll sell today? Have a happy, happy Saturday!
UPDATE: As I was uploading the pics for this post, I noticed I had an email. I wandered over, and what do you think I found... YES!! Another clipboard sold! I was laughing so hard, I was crying! While I was wiping my eyes, I got a call from a good friend who had just come home from the local health food store, and they may be interested in selling my Inspiration Earth products. Goodness, what more can I create today? ;) Once more, thank you.