Wow, two days in a row... I seem to be on a roll! Of course, this has been my goal all along, but life has a funny way of interfering. ;) Here's a new feature I've been thinking about for awhile, I'm excited to finally get around to sharing it! Anyone who knows me, knows I care deeply about the environment. It isn't just talk, I walk the walk. I can't see any other option, really. I realize this is not the concern of all, and I can respect we each need to do what speaks to us on this journey. If the Earth and how we take care of it, doesn't appeal to you at all... this may not be the post for you! ;)
However, I think that while it may not be at the top of everyone's priority list, many do want to make a difference. But how?
However, I think that while it may not be at the top of everyone's priority list, many do want to make a difference. But how?
The problems we face can seem terribly overwhelming, I mean look how we treat the Earth on a daily basis. I can't even believe we still manufacture styrofoam, I mean, really????
But, I believe wholeheartedly that the small things make a huge difference. I don't concern myself with whether or not my neighbor is composting, I just do it myself. I don't check to see if my friends are faithfully recycling, I just worry about myself. And everyday that I live cleanly, I have done no harm. It's a great feeling, a peace of mind, knowing that I am not part of the problem, I am part of the solution. In both my Etsy shop, Simply Smitten, and my Artfire shop, Inspiration-Earth, I sell quite a few green, earth friendly choices. Every bottle I sell gives me a thrill, I am doing what I can.
So, enough of the page long intro, I'd like to introduce my eco-friendly tip of the day (improvise drumroll please...) Compostable, biodegradable garbage bags!
But, I believe wholeheartedly that the small things make a huge difference. I don't concern myself with whether or not my neighbor is composting, I just do it myself. I don't check to see if my friends are faithfully recycling, I just worry about myself. And everyday that I live cleanly, I have done no harm. It's a great feeling, a peace of mind, knowing that I am not part of the problem, I am part of the solution. In both my Etsy shop, Simply Smitten, and my Artfire shop, Inspiration-Earth, I sell quite a few green, earth friendly choices. Every bottle I sell gives me a thrill, I am doing what I can.
So, enough of the page long intro, I'd like to introduce my eco-friendly tip of the day (improvise drumroll please...) Compostable, biodegradable garbage bags!
Click on the photo above to be taken directly to BioBag website
Yes, I'm talking garbage bags people, and oh, what a treasure! They are made by the company BioBag, and come in three sizes: tall kitchen, food waste (perfect size for those small bathroom garbages!) and lawn. I've been using them for a couple of years now, and I am in love! I've even gotten my mom hooked, feels so good to spread the green!
Fair warning ~ these are not your typical, plastic, indestructible garbage bags, which is exactly why I love them. They are designed to compost and break down, not last through all of eternity. We probably treat them more gently than we would other bags, don't overpack them (although trust me, they can hold quite a bit!) and we're careful in the summer not to let them sit around for more than a week, they may start to break down in the right conditions. I know it probably doesn't please my husband when this happens, but it tells me that they're doing exactly what they're designed to do. They are produced from GMO free crops which is a big deal for someone like me, who avoids GMO foods like the plague, and they contain no polyethylene (which is a very good thing).
"Regular polyethylene-based plasic bags can take over 100 years to degrade and are not compostable. Less than 2% of all plastic bags ever get recycled... Studies indicate that 100,000 marine animals and 2 million birds die every year from ingesting or being caught up in plastic debris." (BioBag website)
So, a very simple thing you can change and feel great about. You are no longer part of this problem. Easy, right? I buy my bags by the case through my local food co-op, but they can be found online at biobagusa.com, and I have seen them in other random shops that I frequent. There you have it, my first eco-tip. I think most would find that pretty painless. So, what are you waiting for? Time to go shopping... :)

I didn't even realize they made these awesome dog waste bags! How cool!
Have a truly lovely evening. Peace ~ Melinda