I can't begin to tell you how many itty, bitty doll outfits I've made over the years. When my girls were younger I had my husband build each of them a doll wardrobe, and I proceeded to fill it to overflowing with doll ensembles!

Since only my youngest still occasionally plays with dolls, I had to find a new outlet. There's just something about taking nothing (a piece of square, flat fabric) and creating a product that is so cute! After Christmas I was bit by the sewing bug and listed quite a few outfits in my etsy shop,
Simply Smitten. I sold this curdoroy jacket with matching hat and mittens that I so loved!

My outfits have improved dramatically, mostly because of the awesome sewing machine I treated myself to. It has 50 different stitches, and since my old machine only had 2, this is quite a treat!

I love to embellish with buttons and ribbon. Each outfit takes me
forever, because each detail has to be "just right". I can't tell you how often I tear apart something for a "defect" so small that only I can see it! I feel so great about each one though, they've been created with such love and care and attention to detail.

I haven't sold this skirt and shirt with matching bolero yet. Could be because I had it inactive for awhile. ;) It's just waiting for some little girl...

This was one of my favorites, it sold to a woman in Canada who bought 5 of my sets. That was a happy day. :)

So, I seem to be on a doll clothing kick again. It works in on/off cycles. I'll sew like crazy for a couple of weeks, and then I'll start to miss my clipboards, or come up with a new air freshener scent... time to get back to work!
Happy Sunday to you all.
Peace ~ Melinda