Mental Health Day

The newest addtion to my Inspiration Earth line, tinted organic lip balm! I'm so excited, we all love it here, and it actually does give those gorgeous lips a hint of color! Great fun!

Yesterday I decided I needed a mental health day. When I sat down at the computer and felt nothing but irritation... I knew I required a day off. So, no morning relisting on Etsy, no FB links or Twitter tweets, I didn't even read any blogs, and that's usually something I enjoy. Nope, yesterday was computer free, which was great until I opened my inbox this morning... ;)

Recently I decided to learn a new craft. I like to add something new to my repertoire each year if possible, and this year crocheting has been calling to me. So, last week Jordan, Riley and I took a trip to Michaels and I purchased a set of hooks, some cotton yarn and a book. I discovered shortly after getting it home that the book is useless to me at this point. I needed instructions written for a two year old. Literally. I'd never even held a crochet hook in all my life. After much hunting around for written instructions, I decided the only way to go was to find a video on YouTube. Very smart thinking on my part, especially since I'm left handed and was having tons of trouble reversing everything. Found a great video and decided to take one stitch (is it even called a stitch in crochet?) at a time.

By Tuesday I'd decided I hated crocheting, and was giving up... after I tried one last try ;) Out came the video (again) and I watched that thing over, and over, and over. Start, pause, rewind, pause, start over, skip ahead, pause... Finally, finally it clicked and I was off! Wow, I thought, I LOVE crocheting! ;)

First a simple chain ~

Next a single crochet~

Yesterday a double crochet ~

So, part of my 'mental health' day yesterday was spent teaching the girls what I've learned so far. They too are now hooked, please excuse the very poor pun! Every time I looked over yesterday at least one of them was hooking away, and their work increased dramatically by the end of the day!

While crocheting we watched an episode of Eco-Trip on instant Netflix. Great stuff, maybe another one is on tap for today. All of you chocolate lovers may want to take a peek, the episodes are only about 30 minutes long, and full of great info.

Also crunched on some roasted almonds and baked an apple pie for after lunch. A real treat! Here's the almond recipe for anyone interested:

3 cups organic, raw alomonds
1/4 cup organic, extra virgin coconut oil, melted
1 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp organic tamari sauce
dash of cayenne
dash of sea salt

Mix all ingredients, except almonds, and stir thoroughly. Pour over almonds and stir to coat. Spread on cookie sheet and bake a t 350 for 17 or 18 minutes. Take out and they will finish cooking and crunching up on stovetop.

And before I leave you, one last little tidbit. By the end of the day yesterday I was feeling refreshed, so I logged on and did my blog reading. I was reading through Linda B's blog and deciding which item to vote for when much to my surprise I saw the sleeve of one of my doll outfits peeking out. I've had the honor once before of being up for vote on Linda's page, sadly I got my butt kicked and missed out on the feature. But, that was before I had all of these awesome blogger buddies! ;) If you've got a second, please pop over and vote for my doll clothes, I would be deeply appreciative. :) Become a follower, you may just find your stuff up for vote one day, and I'd love to return the favor! :)

I think I'll go teach the girls how to double crochet, and watch another episode of Eco-Trip ~ Happy Thursay!

Peace ~ Melinda