Doughnuts by the Dozen!

As part of a fundraiser for our upcoming youth trip, we decided to make some homemade doughnuts. Seriously, who can resist them? 
Not me!

They used some handy dandy cutters, which made the process go much more quickly.

These two ladies were pro's and there's no way we could have done it without 'em!!
I have no experience in the doughnut-making industry, but am excited about giving it a try now!

Don't ask how much lard we used... it ruins the doughnut-eating experience!

Carol glazed more doughnuts than she'd probably care to count.
We coated some of them in cinnamon and sugar.

 At the end of the evening, we had 60 dozen fresh homemade doughnuts! Yes, 60!!!
And they were amazing.
I know that I ought to confess how many I ate, but let's just say that there's a reason I didn't jump on the scales this morning!
Unfortunately, there's still a few left in the box...and they're calling my name.

Enjoy your weekend, friends!!