:: Books ::
I love to read! It's always been one of my favorite ways to unwind. Give me a beach chair, some palm trees and a book, and I'm a happy woman. {It doesn't hurt to have the beach thrown in, too!} When I heard of a book reviewing program hosted by Bethany House Publishers, I decided to give it a try! You can sign up for different types of reading, and then will receive periodic emails giving you the option of several books to choose from.
Here's the best part: the book is free! The only stipulation is that you post an honest review - good or bad - on Amazon and your blog, which you forward to them. What's not to love about this?!
If you want to find out more, you'll have to read the book! Finding out how a book ends before I've had a chance to read it is one of my pet peeves. And, if you want to become a book reviewer, you can sign up here. My next copy, The Traveler's Rest, is on its way to my mailbox and I'm anxious to see if I like it as well as I did this one!
:: Babies ::
Just this past week, our dear friends Blake & Amy welcomed a baby girl, Amiah, into their home! Is there anything quite as precious as a new baby?! Especially a sweet little girl with dark hair and dimples? I think not.
It was so fun to watch Hadassah's reaction! She was in love. [As we all were] It's amusing to watch babies interact with other babies! It's like they're seeing the coolest thing imaginable, and have no clue they're one themselves!It will be fun to see what the future holds for these two girls. Should be interesting, given they are both Showalters!!! Ahem. I'm thinking about slumber parties, baking cookies, dress-up....oh, and tractors. Cuz my husband will definitely be teaching her that skill before long!
Has it only been 9 months since we held our baby for the first time?! I'm getting teary just thinking about how fast she is growing! Next to Amiah, she looks oh so big. sigh. Just another reminder to live in the moment, and enjoy every stage!
Take time to prop up your feet and read a good book; and don't forget to cuddle your littles!