Day 26 . Adding Contentment (Part I)

If you noticed, I recently tweaked the tag line to our blog. It used to be, "The Story of a Young Family's Pursuit to a Simpler Life"... Now it's:
Simplicity & Contentment.

My initial inspiration for this blog was to live simpler. Living simpler, to me, actually isn't really simple at all, it's more time consuming! Cooking from scratch, homeopathy & holistic medicines, natural parenting, growing & raising our food. 

How is that simpler living than hiring a maid to clean and ordering someone else to make your food every night? 

It's really hard to explain unless you "have the bug"... but I guess living simple to me just means we don't need anything fancy. We can move slower, enjoy the process to what we are accomplishing

And as I was thinking about it. I also realized that living simple also means that we won't need much. We will live based on what we need. What's necessary. 

We need to learn to be content.

Duh, here I've had Philippians 4:12 at the end of every post since I started this blog!
So we decided we needed to officially add it to our "mission statement" and start focusing intentionally about being contentment - because it really goes hand in hand with our dream of living simply.

Tomorrow I'll be posting Part II on Contentment. Focusing on: "Why do we buy stuff?"

Thank you following along on our journey to simplicity & contentment. Please be sure to learn about our family, like our page on Facebook, and visit the right column to subscribe to our posts :)

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."

Philippians 4:12

God bless!