Day 3 . Exercising

This is Day 3 of 31. Click here to see the entire series.
I want be healthy, but...

I have two babies under the age of 2.5
I teach natural childbirth classes every week
I clean and maintain our house, kitchen, and laundry
I have to drop off the recycling
I cloth diaper 
I keep track of our expenses, bills, and budgeting
I stay at home
I am saving for our new house
I am breastfeeding

Those are my excuses.
Those are my excuses as to why, for the last 6 months, I've neglected my health. I've neglected regularly exercising and I've neglected proper nutrition. You know the worst part about those excuses? The worst part is that until I let them go, I will never be able to fully fulfill these:

  • Being a good example for my family
  • Feeling good about myself
  • Having confidence
  • Appreciating the health/body God has given me
  • Being healthy
  • Feeling accomplished
  • Being an example for my students
  • Having more energy

Those are my reasons, my purpose, my intention for changing. There is really nothing deep or fancy about it. If you have the physical ability to exercise, you should.

I always feel better when I am exercising regularly. I always have more energy. 

"But I'm busy. How can I find the time?" If there is one thing I've learned numerous times in my life it's this:

You'll find time, if you make time.

I can make time to sit and read blogs and watch endless hours of TV every night. If I make it a priority, I can find time.

So. Yesterday we started our family membership here.

And I worked out. For the first REAL time since April.
And I will continue to from now on (a minimum of 3x/week). I might only get in 20 minutes, I might get an hour (I learn yesterday that, as I anticipated, my wonderful 9 month old was less than thrilled to have mom leave, not to mention with a stranger in a strange place), but something is better than nothing and you have to start somewhere.

I'll talk about exercising (and nutrition) a few times this month as I get into the groove of things.

What are your excuses for not exercising? What is your motivation to start (or to continue if you do regularly)?

Thank you following along on our journey to simplicity. Please be sure to learn about our family, like our page on Facebook, and visit the right column to subscribe to our posts :)

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."

Philippians 4:12

God Bless!