Time Out!

It's Wednesday, and I'm smack in the middle of a "to-do" list that feels overwhelming at moments.
There's revivals this week, with early evening practices for special music,
food to be prepared for guests on Sunday,
and I am scheduled to work the rest of the week.
My husband needs me to help him prepare for a meeting he is hosting,
and of course, there's the house to clean!
But I also have a daughter who is growing up all too quickly,
and I want to savor every stage of her life!
It would be a tragedy to look back and wish that I had cuddled her more,
took more time to read her favorite books,
or just sit and play with her.

When I opened the door, the glory of a perfect fall day beckoned to me.
I couldn't stay inside,
when cloudless indigo skies, balmy breezes and colorful trees called my name!
I thought of the park,
and I thought of my list of work to be done.

I made an important decision:
 the work can wait!
I have a precious little girl who loves to swing,
and moments like these won't last forever.
So I packed her up and off to the park we went!

 It was totally worth it,
to see the delight in her eyes and the joy in her face!
I treasured every minute,
and thanked God for nudging me to take time.

The thing is,
He knew just how much this little girl's mommy needed it too!
Take time, my sweet friends.
This moment won't last forever!