Going Barefoot
Time for a Change

Comcast Blocks MagicJack!
Note to my fellow MagicJack users: Comcast has blocked you according to MagicJack customer support.
I went to use my MagicJack this morning and discovered that it would not connect to the internet, and I could not even access the MagicJack webpage!
My Google Voice phone worked so I used it to call my sister, another MagicJack user who is fortunately NOT on Comcast. She contacted Customer Service and was informed that Comcast is indeed BLOCKING access to the website and use of the device!
They have a workaround however. In order to reach as many people as I can I have placed the link and info here. Please share this link with your friends!
The solution works; I have placed and received several test calls on my MagicJack after installing the software.
An alternative view of illness
I've always wondered why it is that among a family, 3 out of 5 can succummb to the illness, while the other 2 escape unscathed. After reading a book a couple of years ago,it finally became clear. Those 2 don't need the sickness. They don't need the mechanisms of the body to fire up and dump toxins. They may need it next week, but right now their body is holding its own. A book called Cancer is not a Disease, it's a Survival Mechanism by Andreas Moritz explained this the most clearly to me, and things finally began to make sense. You see, I'm one of those people who won't just accept things that are spoken to me as truth unless I either A. have researched and verified it for myself, or B. I have a knowing. I easily and deeply trust my intuitions and I can feel the truth of certain things. They usually answer questions I've carried around forever. So, after reading this book, things finally began to make sense. Your body wasn't staging a mutiny, it was staging a recovery. It is attempting to right the wrongs inflicted on it everyday. Such an ingenious system. When we get sick we are forced to rest, take it easy, sleep. That's why we never cover up a sickness in my home. I don't even own aspirin. I've always felt the body knows what it is doing, and does it better without my interference. Are you aware of the reason behind fevers (we learned this in school a couple of years back)? When the temperature of your body rises, this enables the white blood cells (the germbusters) of the body to function better and reproduce quicker, thus healing you quicker. Why on Earth would you want to make this disappear? Okay, I know why, but why?
As with many of my discoveries over the last several years, I've learned that that most everything is not what it seems, we have in fact labeled things 'wrong' or 'bad' when in fact they are not. Let me begin by saying I believe in perfect health. I know it exists and that is a major part of my journey this time around. I have chosen to leave most of the medical profession to others, having found that they weren't generally interested in finding out the "why", but instead interested in covering up the symptoms, usually with drugs. If we can't see it, it mustn't be there... ;) This is not a rant against conventional medicine, it just wasn't the answers I was looking for. I had ventured down an alternative route several years ago, and was more satisfied with my homeopath, until one day he uttered the words "the mythical state of perfect health". Well, you guessed it. I think that was the last time I graced his office. I was on a quest of perfect physical and mental health, and I didn't need any doubting Thomases infecting their negativity into my vision.
I've changed so many aspects of my life over the last several years that I am no longer recognizable as the same person. I am a strict and happy organic vegan. I have embarked on a series of liver flushes that have released over 4000 stones from my liver. I practice daily meditation. I have released judgements and opinons of others, knowing I can only decide what is best for me and no one else. I will only use VOC free paint in my home. I do what brings me joy. We recently made a huge health investment and purchased organic cotton mattresses for our beds. All of these things are bits and pieces I've found along the way, all pointers to that state of perfect health.
Several years back I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a typical companion of panic disorder. The doctors gave me very little hope of release from this pain except through dangerous muscle relaxants (that may or may not work) or "when you've gotten rid of the panic disorder (thorugh yet more drugs), the IBS will resolve itself". Not good enough. After the first liver flush, I haven't had an excruicitating episode since. My body was speaking to me, and I listened.
Another example: My oldest daughter's hands had been a mess for quite some time. In reality they no longer resembled hands, they were cracked, oozing claws. She couldn't even straighten her fingers, she had no cuticles and her nails were deeply pitted and scarred. Eczema, at its worst. I knew the doctors would prescribe creams and ointments, maybe even steroids. That would never lead me to the why of it all. If this flared up again in two years, I still wouldn't have any idea where it was stemming from. Her body was telling us something, and we set about trying to understand. It wasn't a quick fix. She embarked on the liver flushes with me. Her hands were in fact the first bit of evidence I found to support this new sickenss/balance idea. Her hands were horrific and she was struck down with the flu. She was hit hard, her body in desperate need of detoxing (as her hands were already telling us), and for a week she didn't really leave her bed. I figured that if what I had read was indeed true, after this illness passed, her hands should improve some. Maybe a lot. I watched and waited... and guess what? They did improve, and looked better than they had in years. They didn't stay this way,of course, but it gave us hope that we were on the right track. Happily, a year or so later, her hands are 99.9% healed. There's a dry spot or two, others would just call it the dry hands of winter, but we know better. What was her body trying to communicate? She had a Candida imbalance. She has now been on a Candida diet for 4 months or so, just a temporary adjustment. This means avoiding sugars so as to starve the Candida (yeast) imbalance in her body. We don't eat sugar anyway, but this meant even fruit sugars until her body's balance has been restored. Lately she has been experimenting with fruit a little bit. She quite happily devoured some blueberry pie I recently baked, with no repurcussions. Fingers crossed that we're at the point where she can begin to add fruits back in, her hands will tell the story.
What happens if your body speaks and speaks and speaks and you refuse to listen? That imbalance will change appearance some, it will appear as disease, in one of it's many forms. I choose not to go there. There is so much that I want to enjoy during this lifetime, so many joys to be had. I have no problem "denying" myself that candy bar, when the rewards are so much sweeter. I won't be held back by a body that can no longer function with ease. It's my companion, and I'll treat it with as much love and care as I would any other valuable possession. It will repay me in kind.
P.S. In case you're wondering, Riley bounced back with amazing agility. She got up this morning, ate a full breakfast and is now playing games with her sister and full of energy. She told us all the she "felt GREAT" this morning. Her body did its 'spring cleaning' I guess! :)
Aha! Fab aprons!
Especially there's a kind of Amish apron that ladies have been very interested in.
The Scarlet Thread has some beautiful garments (I love her flannel nightdress with the graceful curve to the yoke), and she has some really nice aprons. her calico apron with the criss-cross back is lovely - and it's a slip-on one, which is always a plus.

Her country apron is the same design as the Amish one people are always wanting to know how to source.
Sprouts & Dumplings

P.S. Even though my 14 year old wasn't part of this challenge, it feels wrong not to mention her and her beautiful shop ~ The Forest Faery. That's also on Etsy, and her blog, Dreams of Fae, can be found here on blogspot!
Don’t Quit
I have now discovered that it will be cheaper to leave almost everything here than it will be to move it, so I guess I’ll be going extreme in the Minimalist Department, at least for a while.
While looking for encouragement, I stumbled upon this poem. No idea who wrote it, but I feel the need to share:
Don’t Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
- Author unknown
No matter what life throws your way, just remember that as long as you keep trying it will all be okay. Just hang in there, okay?
Peaceful, silent guidance
Because my chicken told me so...

Grammy School

My friend Sally in California announced she is expecting her second grandbaby this year. How exciting! My friend Audrey in Memphis welcomed her first grandbaby last month. I have certainly enjoyed my three grandchildren tremendously. Not only have I enjoyed them, I have been taught by them. Taught by a baby? A toddler? A kid? Yes! "Grammy School" doesn't just mean Grammy is teaching the little ones. It means Grammy becomes the student! Here's what I have learned from being a grandmother:
Book recommendations
Long out of print, the only copy you can get on US Amazon at the moment is $37 - but thee knows how it is with out-of-print books, the pricing is very erratic, it'll be around at much less than that some other time. And on UK Amazon, prices start at £2.99.
The same problem applies to being a writer as to being a preacher - one's critical faculty goes into over-drive when presented with other people's work. Very rarely can I find a book that I can simply enjoy. Many of the well-written ones are full of stuff I would rather not be reading. A book, a film, a song - it has to edify my soul, or I lose interest in it. Many of the ones that fulfil my criteria of edifying the soul are badly written.
But I do enjoy a good read, to lose myself in a story I can really enjoy.
Recently I have been groping back through my memory to books I read long since, and would like to find again. I tracked down a few, and they have started arriving in the post. As I read them, I'll let thee know which I thought were the really good ones.
Yesterday this book, Torrie by Annabel & Edgar Johnson arrived in the post. I read it when I was fourteen (the same age as the girl in the book), and absolutely loved it. I was intrigued to find out if forty years on it seemed as good. I sat down and read it straight through. I think it's brilliant. It's well crafted - really well written - it celebrates goodness and it identifies and explores some of the less glamorous noble traits of character like steadiness, humility, dependability, modesty, honesty, fairness and kindness, and well as the more exciting ones like courage, self-sacrifice and adventurous spirit.
It also examines the theme of romantic love with a concern for that being love that will last forever, love that a person can trust.
Annabel & Edgar Johnson had this book published in 1960. They married in 1949 and lived in New York for a while, then took to the open road, travelling the western states, hunting and fishing, camping and writing.
Torrie, set in 1846, is about a pioneer family who left St Louis for California, and tells the story of their wagon-train journey to get there. You can always tell people who really spend a lot of time out of doors, because they write about the weather so much and in such vivid detail!
Reading this book made me feel happy, and it did my soul good, and it reminded me of things I want to be reminded of - like not following the opinion of the crowd, the value of a provident life, and holding firm to my purpose.
I very much recommend it.
I see that Annabel and Edgar Johnson have written other books too, all in the 1960s I think. I'm going to try Wilderness Bride, The Black Symbol and The Golden Touch. All of them are available second-hand on Amazon, and it's wise to check between US and UK Amazon for the best price - or just google the titles.
My life is undergoing some changes. A move, to where I’m not sure and into what I don’t know.
Thank Goodness I’m a minimalist. That means that I won’t have much crap to move.
I would explain it all but frankly I’m beat. I’ve been ranting and stressing on the other blog for a couple of days and thought I would come over here and rant but I’m just too dog-gone tired.
Anyhow, you can check out the other posts if you want to know what happened and why I have to move—and my options. I’m just too beat to wrap my head around it all…
At times I wish life would stop throwing me this crap, but if it did what would I have to write about?
Plain dress: expense and versatility
When the subject of Plain dress comes up, friends committed to living simply sometimes point out that the simplest thing is to wear quiet sober clothes chosen from among cast-offs, bought at jumble sales and charity shops. Undoubtedly they are right, but there are other factors about the Plain dress witness to be considered, which may be the subject for a blog post another day.
Friends with a witness of simple lifestyle may therefore see Plain dress as the antithesis of simplicity - complicated and expensive!!
Something I didn't realise at first when I began to dress Plain is that the clothes can be - and are meant to be - combined. Not Amish dress perhaps, but the kind of modest clothes that come from places like The Kings Daughters where I get my dresses.
If a lady bought three dresses and three jumpers (UK pinafore dress), she would have far more than six options. She could wear each of the six separately (with a blouse or tee under the jumper), or she could wear any of the jumpers over any of the dresses. So a large wardrobe is created out of relatively few garments.
Obviously wearing two dresses is hotter (er - temperature, not fashion!) than just one, so the layering will take her through the changes of the weather, with the assistance of petticoats, vests and drawers of different fabric weight. Large roomy drawers are cooler in summer and warmer in winter than tight briefs, too.
But today I stumbled upon yet another combination (I can be slow to catch on).
My dresses all have elbow-length sleeves, which I prefer for working in, but they are not really warm enough for Second Month without a cardigan.
This morning I have to conduct a funeral, so will be wearing my best black dress.
I am dreadful at spilling food on my clothes and didn't want to get my black dress dirty.
I don't like to be too late in my nightie in case the postie comes.
It's very cold.
Aha!!! I put my jumper on over my nightie! My nightie is flannel, so it adds a warm, cosy layer - and it has long sleeves. Perfect! And a flannel nightie would do for any cold day, not just like now when I am waiting to get dressed into what I finally intend to be wearing.
This versatility reminds me a little bit of conversations about giving up one's car with friends committed to driving. An important argument advanced is about difficulty of access - such a long way to walk etc. And at first when one gives up one's car, it does seem such a long way to walk everywhere, until the realisation that - aha! - there is no need to walk along the roads where the cars go. Not only is a walk through the park or along a green lane pleasanter, it also opens up the possibility of using the alleyways and footpaths that cut through places where cars cannot go.
It's a question of adjusting to a different way of looking at something familiar.
Let's give this a try...
Changes to the planning system - the Woodland Trust
Changes to the planning system - the Woodland Trust